Author Archives: Sanela
New Year New Chapter
A New Year, a New Chapter: 2025 Begins with Promise

As the calendar turns to a fresh page, I find myself reflecting on the beautiful duality of new beginnings: the excitement of what lies ahead and the quiet gratitude for the journey that brought me here. Each New Year feels like a blank canvas, waiting for us to paint it with our dreams, our efforts, and even our stumbles. This year, 2025, feels especially significant. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one that I’ve been quietly anticipating for a while now.
While I can’t share all the details just yet, I can say this—there are incredible things on the horizon. It’s a strange and wonderful feeling to hold a piece of good news close, knowing it will soon unfold into something even more meaningful. For now, let’s just say that 2025 has already surprised me in the best way, and I can’t wait to see where this year takes me.
One of the greatest joys of stepping into a new chapter is looking back at the love and support I’ve been fortunate to receive. Recently, a few reviews for my books reminded me why I embarked on this writing journey in the first place. One reader wrote: “Listening to Remember Me by Sanela Jurich was an emotional rollercoaster that left me feeling shaken, heartbroken, and deeply moved.” Another said, “Sanela Ramic Jurich has a gift for sharing the very real feelings of her characters with the reader.”
Knowing my stories resonate with readers, especially those who have shared their own reflections with me, fills my heart with gratitude. Writing can be such a solitary endeavor, but moments like these remind me of the incredible connection stories can foster.
As I look ahead, I’m filled with hope. Hope for the stories I’ve yet to tell, the journeys I’ve yet to take, and the opportunities waiting just around the corner. This year, I’ll continue to write, to dream, and to embrace the challenges and triumphs that come with any new chapter.
Thank you for being part of my journey. Whether you’ve read one of my books, left a kind review, or simply cheered me on from afar, your support means more than words can express. I hope 2025 is a year of new beginnings for all of us—a year filled with growth, love, and the kind of magic that makes life so extraordinary.
With all my love,
Sanela ♥
A Christmas Day Review to Remember
A Christmas Day Review to Remember
“After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” — Philip Pullman
This Christmas brought a truly special gift: a heartfelt five-star review for the audiobook version of Remember Me. 🎄
As an author, there’s nothing more rewarding than hearing how my story resonates with readers (or listeners). To receive such kind words on Christmas Day feels like a little miracle—one that fills me with gratitude and joy.
Here’s a snippet of the review that warmed my heart:
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 December 2024
“Listening to Remember Me by Sanela Jurich was an emotional rollercoaster that left me feeling shaken, heartbroken, and deeply moved. From the very start, I was drawn into Selma’s world, a young girl whose first love is abruptly overshadowed by the horrors of the Bosnian War. As her life crumbles, I was overwhelmed by the raw pain and despair she endured. The narrator is absolutely amazing and she made every moment feel personal, amplifying the anguish and helplessness that seemed to seep through the story, and I found myself holding my breath, hoping for a glimmer of relief. At some point I wasn’t even sure whether this was a real story or a novel.
Yet, amid the brutal violence and heartbreak, I also felt moments of hope and strenght that kept me going. Selma’s journey through trauma, loss and unimaginable suffering is gut-wrenching, but her resilience left me with a sense of awe. By the end, I was left emotionally drained but inspired, contemplating the healing power of love and faith. This audiobook was not just a story–it was an experience that stays with me long after the final words, forcing me to reflect on the strnght it takes to survive and rebuild after such devastation.”
To everyone who has taken the time to read, listen to, or review Remember Me, thank you. Your support means the world and keeps me inspired to write stories that matter.
If you haven’t had a chance to explore Remember Me, now’s the perfect time to dive in—or give it a listen!
Thank you for being part of this journey, and I hope the holiday season has brought joy, love, and memorable moments to your life as well. 💖
Warm wishes,
Author Sanela Ramic Jurich
A Beautiful Blend of Fantasy and Emotion
A Beautiful Blend of Fantasy and Emotion
Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2024
With every stroke of her pen, Ella Rees casts a spell woven from the raw fibers of emotions, entwining readers in a spellbinding dance of heart and mind.

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt like you’ve known them forever?
Against all odds, you know deep inside that you know them. They feel familiar and comforting. You are drawn to them, but you only just met them. How can that be? Could it be some kind of a karmic connection? Soulmates? Could it all be just a figment of your imagination, or could there be an actual rational explanation for feeling this way? Is there a scientific explanation or is it fate?
Sarah Wilson’s existence takes an unexpected turn when her ex-husband’s violence leads to her untimely demise. It’s in that moment of passing that Sarah ventures to a place she recognizes as home, where memories of her true self and her soulmate, Jachin—now known as Jack Adams—resurface.
Throughout the tapestry of time and myriad incarnations, one steadfast presence endured—their undying love for each other.
Between the Worlds: The Story of Us is free on kindleunlimited.
Eyes of the Void
Short horror fiction, inspired by a nightmare.
Eyes of the Void
One October morning, some years ago, I woke up from a nightmare. As I startled awake, the image of coal-black eyes lingered in my mind. The rest of the dream eluded me, but the image of those demon eyes stayed with me along with my saying, “They’re so black. Why are they so black?” That’s all I remembered.
Author Sanela Ramic Jurich
Stories of Survival: From War to Fantasy, and Remembering
“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” — Ernest Hemingway
Q: “How did writing your books help you process your experiences of war and displacement?” –Sada Cengic McDaniel
A: Writing my books allowed me to unpack all the emotions and memories I had buried. It helped me make sense of the chaos I lived through and gave me a way to share my story with others who might feel lost or displaced. In many ways, it was a form of healing, turning pain into something meaningful. ~Sanela
Today’s September 11th, a day that holds a lot of weight for so many people. It’s one of those days where we all pause, even if just for a moment, to remember what was lost and reflect on how the world changed. It got me thinking about my own story and the journey that led me to write the books I’ve published so far. So, I thought I’d share a bit of that with you today.
I was born in former Yugoslavia and moved to the USA when I was 16, just a few days before my 17th birthday. The reason? War. That time of my life was chaotic and scary, leaving home and everything I knew behind. I didn’t fully understand it all back then, but looking back now, I realize how much those experiences shaped who I am—and what I write.
I wrote two books about that part of my life. Remember Me and Haunting from the Past are both deeply personal. They touch on themes like displacement, survival, and the struggle to find a sense of belonging in a world that suddenly feels unfamiliar. It was cathartic to write them, to put those memories and feelings into words, and I hope they resonate with people who’ve gone through their own hardships.
Then there’s my fantasy book, Between the Worlds, which I wrote under the pen name Ella Rees. It’s a bit of a departure from my other work, but in a way, it still deals with the same themes—survival, identity, and finding your place in the world, just with a lot more magic and adventure. I’ve always loved fantasy because it lets you escape reality for a while but still sneak in some truth. Even in an imaginary world, we’re still wrestling with who we are and where we belong, right?
So, on a day like today, when we’re all reflecting on survival and loss, I wanted to share a piece of my story and how it’s influenced my writing. If you’re interested, I’d love for you to check out any of my books. Whether it’s the real-world stories or the fantasy ones, I hope they speak to you in some way.
Thanks for letting me share, and take care of yourselves today.
♥ Sanela
Author Sanela Ramic Jurich
Camping Chronicles: Iowa Adventures with My Boys
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” – John Muir
Ah, camping. That glorious time when we trade our comfy beds for sleeping bags and our reliable Wi-Fi for spotty cell service. This summer, I decided to go all in—packing up my two sons, my two cousins, and a questionable amount of bug spray for a camping trip to Iowa.
It was my first time camping ever!
Tents, Tackle, and Tentative Plans
I’d like to say that we went into the wilderness with a plan, but let’s be real—our plan was to wing it. We pitched our tents (after a few “Are you sure that’s right?” moments), and embarked on a mission to catch some fish. Now, when I say “fish,” what I really mean is that we tangled a lot of lines, got some great arm workouts from reeling in nothing, and managed to catch exactly one fish. But hey, it’s the effort that counts, right?
Off the Grid, But Not Off the Hook
The beauty of camping in Iowa is the scenery. Rolling hills, lush greenery, and skies so blue you almost forget your Netflix queue. We took in the sights, hiked until our feet begged for mercy, and marveled at how anything can taste gourmet when cooked over a campfire. Smores, anyone?
But the real highlight? It came before we even left civilization.
The Convenience Store Serenade
On our way to the campsite, we made a pit stop at the last convenience store before going off-grid. Picture this: an old-school country store with a weathered sign and a porch straight out of a movie. Inside, the store’s owner, a man who must’ve been around since the dawn of time, noticed it was my son’s birthday. My son, now 17 and far too cool for anything, was clearly trying to fly under the radar. But the store owner had other plans.
Before we knew it, the man was belting out “Happy Birthday” with all the gusto of a Broadway star. My son, mortified but secretly delighted, couldn’t hide his grin. It was one of those moments that makes you grateful for the kindness of strangers—and for having the foresight to document it on video for future blackmail opportunities.
Final Thoughts
Camping is always an adventure, but this trip to Iowa was something special. It wasn’t just about the fishing, the hiking, or the smores (though those were all pretty great). It was about spending time with the people I care about, making memories that we’ll laugh about for years to come. And as we packed up our gear, sunburnt and satisfied, I couldn’t help but think: maybe we’ll do it again next year—after I restock on bug spray.
Echoes of the Past
In another place, in another time, I wonder who I might have been.
The past beats inside me like a second heart.

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt like you’ve known them forever?
Against all odds, you know deep inside that you know them. They feel familiar and comforting. You are drawn to them, but you only just met them. How can that be? Could it be some kind of a karmic connection? Soulmates? Could it all be just a figment of your imagination, or could there be an actual rational explanation for feeling this way? Is there a scientific explanation or is it fate?
Sarah Wilson’s existence takes an unexpected turn when her ex-husband’s violence leads to her untimely demise. It’s in that moment of passing that Sarah ventures to a place she recognizes as home, where memories of her true self and her soulmate, Jachin—now known as Jack Adams—resurface.
Throughout the tapestry of time and myriad incarnations, one steadfast presence endured—their undying love for each other.
Between the Worlds: The Story of Us is free on kindleunlimited.
“The initial takeover included the attack on the town of Kozarac near Prijedor, on 24 May 1992, which included two days of artillery barrage and an assault by a mechanised brigade of troops. As a result, some 800 civilians out of a population of around 4,000 were killed.” ~Source
This time of year always brings up feelings of fear, overwhelming sadness, and a sense of not being wanted in the world or in life in general.
I witnessed the most horrible things happening to my family, friends, neighbors, and ultimately to me… I survived, but many didn’t.
The year was 1992. It felt like hell on earth. In Europe, in a country called Yugoslavia, in a smaller place called Bosnia, and an even smaller town called Prijedor with its surrounding municipalities, everything was being torn apart. People I loved were consumed by evil: murder, torture, concentration and rape camps… Why?
This year marks thirty-two years since the attack on Kozarac.
I would like to share an excerpt from a book called Love Thy Neighbor: A Story of War by Peter Maass (An American Journalist).
I highly recommend this book. It is the first book I have read on the subject that describes Bosnia and Croatia in 1992 and 1993 exactly as they were, exactly how I saw it, but from a foreign person’s perspective.
Peter Maass worked as a foreign correspondent from 1983 to 1995, based in Asia and Europe. His articles have appeared in the Washington Post, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and The New Republic. His wartime dispatches from the Balkans led to his selection as a finalist for the 1993 Livingston Award for International Reporting. He is currently a magazine writer and lives in New York City.
Nationalist Serbs staged a nighttime coup to take over (my town) Prijedor. There wasn’t much fighting because the Serbs were well armed and there was no resistance to speak of. No one else was prepared for war. The man named Kovacevic organized the takeover.
In this excerpt, Peter Maass talks about the attack on Kozarac. Continue reading
Q&A Time
Welcome to a rare midweek treat! It’s Wednesday, and I’ve decided to spice things up by answering some of the intriguing questions you lovely folks have sent my way over the past couple of weeks.
Q: Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know.
A: Well, sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. It depends on whether I’m in a well-lit room or if I’m alone in the dark with a creaky floorboard and a spooky noise. So, I guess you could say my belief in ghosts is as fickle as a cat’s loyalty!
Q: If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it?
A: Yes, I could definitely write my stories by hand, but deciphering my handwriting would be like trying to read an ancient scroll written by a very caffeinated chicken. So, it might turn into a mystery novel for anyone trying to read it!
Q: Write a short love letter to your readers.
A: Dear Amazing Reader,
Every time you turn a page, my heart skips a beat. Your eyes tracing my words are like a gentle caress, igniting sparks of inspiration in my soul. Together, we create a world where wit and charm dance like no one’s watching.
Stay fabulous, stay curious, and always remember: you’re the plot twist that keeps me writing.
With all my literary love,